
About Me

Greetings! I am Ismat Jahan Anee. I am a molecular biologist based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My research interest incorporates cell biology, aging, host-pathogen interactions, infectious disease, therapeutic drugs, and population genetics.

My master's thesis dissertation was on cellular aging. Using a single cell organism, Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), as a model organism I endeavored to decode the role of DNA repair genes on cellular lifespan.

I explored the host-pathogen interactions to leverage the potential impact of probiotics on animal health while working on my review paper “The Role of Probiotics on animal health and nutrition”.

Currently, I am working as a research fellow at BCSIR, Bangladesh. My project objective is to isolate and classify microplastics from frequently applied fish feeds in aquaculture sector in Bangladesh.

My experiences fired my inspiration toward cell molecular and developmental biology, and I am determined to pursue a Ph.D. in molecular bioscience.

Thank you for stopping by!

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“The effect of RAD7 gene’s null mutation on single-cell aging”


Status: Published (Microbial Bioactives)

Link: https://publishing.emanresearch.org/Journal/Abstract/microbbioacts-514307

Keywords: DNA Repair Gene; mitochondria; cell aging; RAD7; Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Every living form on earth experiences spontaneous biological modifications as it ages. As organisms age, they go through a constant deterioration in biological and cognitive capacity, decreased organismal function, diverse diseases, and eventually, senescence. The DNA repair system that protects the genome also malfunctions with time. This study aims to discover whether manipulating a DNA repair gene (RAD7, in this case) can regulate the cellular life span. The study was conducted on Yeast's (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) chronological lifespan to receive a quick and easy observation of the impacts. RAD7, a NER gene works in the NER system to correct the UV-damaged DNA. To decipher the effects of RAD7 gene deletion on single-cell aging experiments i.e. life span assay, growth proliferation status, respiratory phenotypic characterization, mitochondrial DNA abundance, and gene-gene interaction were conducted. In the chronological lifespan assay, it was found that the RAD7 gene’s null mutation (Δrad7) had a prolonged stationary phase compared to the wild-type strain. The mutant displayed respiration potency by growing well on a glycerol-based medium. Fluorescence microscopic observations disclosed that the mutants had a lower abundance of mtDNA compared to the control. Furthermore, RAD7 gene interaction analysis demonstrated how it interacts with other genes in the organism. Mutation of this repair gene affects mtDNA distribution and mtDNA abundance, yet cells could survive in the chronological phase. MtDNA depletion is a sign of altered mitochondrial morphology and function that may activate a retrograde response from mitochondria to the nucleus. Further efforts are required to draw a fine conclusion.

“Microplastics in Fish Feed: An Alarming Issue in Aquaculture Sector of Bangladesh.”


Status: Ongoing

Keywords: Microplastics; fish feed; fish meal

The negative impact of plastic debris accumulation in aquatic ecosystems is a planetary boundary threat that has been widely recognized in recent decades. Microplastics are Plastic particles, smaller than 5 mm. Due to their universality and persistence in the environment, microplastics as contaminants have become an emerging global concern. Many sources can cause MP pollution in freshwater ecosystems, including weathering degradation of plastic waste, wastewater treatment plant sewage discharge, and surface runoff. Bangladesh is one of the world’s leading fish-producing countries in the world. According to the FAO report “The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018”, Bangladesh ranked 3rd in inland open water capture production and 5th in world aquaculture production. To ensure and maintain this huge fish production, different fish feeds are used frequently in hatcheries, fish farms, ponds, etc. In this study, we aim to decipher the microplastic particles in commonly used fish feed, including fish meal from different hatcheries in Bangladesh. The work on this project is currently going on and hoping to finish by January 2023. For this study, we will buy fish feed samples from local markets in different regions of Bangladesh. Microplastics will be extracted from each sample by performing the density separation. After the final separation, the supernatant suspensions will be filtered using a membrane filter to obtain the solid particles. The solid particles then will be digested, filtered, dried, and then observed under the microscope to separate the microplastic particles. A stereo microscope will be used to count the microplastics based on their physical characteristics (i.e., particle color, size, and type). Microplastic particles will be identified and verified to detect the type of polymer using micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Suspected microplastics will be photographed using a high-resolution camera. Finally, the data will be analyzed statistically and the findings will be published as a journal article.

“The role of probiotics on animal health and nutrition”


Status: Published (SpringerNature)

Link: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41936-021-00250-x

Keywords: Probiotics; Poultry, Ruminant, Aquaculture, Immunity, Animal health

The constant global demand for food requires colossal food production which is much heftier than what we are capable of growing and harvesting. Antibiotics have been used in healthy food production to promote growth and prevent diseases. Prolonged use of antibiotics leads to the development of resistant bacteria and the accumulation of antibiotic residue in livestock and fish. To avoid further causalities finding an effective alternative became a dire need. The most suitable alternative for antibiotics is probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed or applied to the body with the optimum amount. Probiotics are mainly good bacteria and yeast which fight off pathogenic bacteria, improve the immune system, and restore the gut microbial balance. Probiotics can eliminate harmful pathogens following several molecular mechanisms and modulate the immune response of the host animal. My review article explains probiotics as a potential growth promoter in major food sectors (poultry, ruminant, and aquaculture), how probiotics can ensure food safety without detrimental effects on animals, and some points where further research is mandated. Moreover, the article accentuates how knowledge gaps can be minimized using modern molecular technologies to establish probiotic supplements as an effective alternative to antibiotics.

“The Role of DNA Repair Genes on Cellular Aging” (Master’s Thesis Work)


Status: Completed

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363364472_THE_ROLE_OF_DNA_REPAIR_GENES_ON_CELLULAR_AGING

‘Why we age’ and ‘how we age’ has been a matter of debate for centuries. Over time a post-mitotic cell age with the accumulation of mutation within its genome and reach senescence which implies that the DNA repair system itself is affected by age. Using the single-cell model Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this research work aims to find out the role of DNA repair genes (MSH1, MSH3 & RAD7) in regulating the cellular life span; precisely on chronological lifespan. To characterize these mutant cells, growth-proliferation and respiration status, spontaneous mtDNA mutation rate, and mtDNA abundance were determined. Bioinformatics analysis was also conducted to find out gene-gene interaction using FunSpec and SGD Database. Results demonstrated that Δmsh1, Δmsh3, and Δrad7 had a prolonged stationary phase compared to the wild-type strain (BY4743). Fluorescence microscopic analysis revealed that the mutants had a lower abundance of mtDNA compared to the control. Erythromycin resistant assay exhibited a two-to-five-fold higher spontaneous mutation rate in mutants’ mtDNA, indicating they are essential in maintaining the mitochondrial genome. Gene-gene interactions analysis demonstrated that mutants function in the pathway involved in cell cycle checkpoints which may facilitate a longer stationary phase. With this research, it was specified that these DNA repair genes influence cellular lifespan.

“A Report on Water Analysis and Parameters of the Sundarban Rivers” (Undergraduate Field Work)


Status: Completed

Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363364110_A_Report_on_Water_Analysis_and_Parameters_of_the_Sundarban_Rivers

The Sundarbans region shared by Bangladesh and India is one of the richest ecosystems in the world. It contains arguably the world's largest remaining area of mangroves and is known for its exceptional biodiversity, including numerous threatened species. Sundarbans is famous for its marine and estuarine fish resources. A large population is dependent on fishery activity and fish capturing is treated as the backbone of the Sundarbans economy (Ganesh, 2003). Water, one of the four elements of earth, is essential to support the myriad life forms harbored by Sundarbans. The diversity of fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic organisms in the aquatic system depends on a suitable environment in which they can reproduce and grow. Because these organisms live in water, the major environmental concern within the system is water quality. This study aimed to assess the condition of water in Sundarbans by testing different water quality parameters. Because when water quality is poor, it affects not only aquatic life but the surrounding ecosystem as well. We measured the pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, and water transparency from seven different sites in Sundarbans region. We used pH meter for pH analysis, refractometer for salinity analysis, dissolved oxygen meter for dissolved oxygen and temperature analysis, and Secchi disc for water transparency analysis. The range of pH value was 7.9-8.1, Dissolved oxygen (DO) was 4.83 ppm-6.45 ppm, Salinity was 30 ppt- 25ppt, and water temperature was between 20 °C-26.9 °C which are all within the range of water quality parameters of estuarine water. In only one site, Hironpoint we get pH value of 9.1 and salinity of 2 ppt. This is because it was a navy quarter pond and bleach might be added to the reservoir and the surrounding seawater might get mixed and increase salinity.



“The effect of RAD7 gene’s null mutation on single-cell aging”. Ismat Jahan Anee, Reza Md Shahjahan, Rowshan Ara Begum, Mohammad Shamimul Alam, Ashfaqul Muid Khandaker. Microbial Bioactives.


“The role of probiotics on animal health and nutrition”; The journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, SpringerNature. Anee, I.J., Alam, S., Begum, R.A. et al. The role of probiotics on animal health and nutrition. JoBAZ 82, 52 (2021).

Work Experience

Research FellowBangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)2022 – Present
Short Term Temporary (STT)The World BankNovember 2021 – Present
Research AssistantUniversity of DhakaAugust 2021 – April 2022


AwardAwarded ByYear
Professor Nurul Afsar Postgraduate FellowshipBangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)2022
Majumder Abdul Muttalib & Habiba Begum Trust Fund ScholarshipMajumder Abdul Muttalib & Habiba Begum Trust Fund, University of Dhaka2022
4th position, Urban Health Innovation Challenge 2021: Healthy Safe and Inclusive CitiesBRAC JPGSPH, BRAC University, World Vision2021
M.S. Thesis AwardNational Science and Technology Fellowship2020
Regional Champion, Graduate and Postgraduate group, Zoology OlympiadZoological Society of Bangladesh2019
Dean’s Award for Brilliant Result in B.Sc. HonorsDhaka University2018
Honors Scholarship (Faculty of Biological Sciences)Education Board Bangladesh2018
Razia Memorial Trust Fund ScholarshipRazia Memorial Trust Fund, University of Dhaka2018
Asefa Huque Memorial Trust Fund ScholarshipAsefa Huque Memorial Trust Fund, University of Dhaka2017

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